How do I make a claim?

Commercial Claims

We are here to help keep your business on track and deal with the practical matters so your claim can be processed quickly and efficiently.

Property Insurance

Commercial Motor Insurance

Travel Insurance

Liability Insurance

Other Commercial Insurance

For all claims, please submit your details on our help form and we will contact you asap or please call 0117 947 9510 during office hours.

Home or Motor Claims

We are here to help you deal with the practical matters so your claim can be processed quickly and efficiently.

Home Insurance

Motor insurance

Travel insurance

Other insurance

For all claims, please submit your details on our help form and we will contact you asap or please call 0117 923 1330 during office hours.

How do I cancel my policy?

We are sorry that you want to cancel your policy.

Please contact us for advice and guidance.

Please fill out the form on the right hand side of the page, fill out the details and the policy type and submit the form.

Please click here to visit the Mark Richard help form, where you can submit your details and this will go to our cancellation team who will cancel your policy and be in contact to confirm this with you.

Alternatively, please contact our commercial team for business insurance on 0117 947 9510 or the personal insurance team for car or home insurance on 0117 923 1330.

You can find the help form for all cancellations here.

How do make a change to my policy?

Contact our Home & Motor Insurance team on 0117 923 1330 or

Contact our Commercial Insurance team on 0117 947 9510 or

Contact our Japanese Import team on 01275 792 270 or

Or visit our help form and submit your details, and we will be in touch to make the requested amendment to your insurance policy.


How do I complain?

We strive to deliver exceptional service to our clients, but sometimes things don’t go to plan. If you need us to fix a problem, or if you simply want to tell us that we’ve not met your expectations, please let us know and we will seek to address your issue as best we can.

Contact our Home & Motor Insurance team on 0117 923 1330 or

Contact our Commercial Insurance team on 0117 947 9510 or

Contact our Japanese Import Insurance team on 01275 792 270 or

Or write to us using our contact details.

Or please use our help form to submit a complaint to our customer service team and we will be in contact asap after we have investigated and resolved your complaint.

How can I get help with Financial Difficulties?

If you are struggling financially during the current cost of living crisis,
please do get in touch with us and we will try to help.

Please use our help page if you’d like to get help with financial difficulties and one of our team will be in contact with you asap.

Contact Us

Please use our contact page to get in contact with the relevant team, including phone, email and branch addresses.